EquipEx+ MuDiS4LS
The EquipEx+ project MuDiS4LS (Mutualised Digital Spaces for FAIR data in Life and Health Science), led by the Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB), has been selected for funding by the ANR PIA3 Équipements Structurants pour la Recherche (ESR/Equipex +) call for projects.
In this project, Bilille is involved in WP 2 and WP 4, as well as in the IS 1 and IS 4 and is actively involved in the following actions:
- setting up workflows for the community.
- integration of multi-omics and imaging data, using bioinformatics and biostatistics approaches.
Thanks to this project, Bilille will aquire additional computing resources shared through the regional data center, increasing its capacity to satisfy the needs of the research units from the regional biology and health community.
MuDiS4LS is structured around 4 technical workpackages (WP):
WP 1. Orchestrating data flows for life sciences.
WP 2. Distributed data infrastructure for project-life-long secured storage and backup.
WP 3. Data access and outreach.
WP 4. Intensive Computational Biology (Access to national HPC/AI resources).
The relevance of MuDiS4LS will be demonstrated through 5 implementation studies (IS) covering a variety of applications and addressing the issues of multi-omics data integration and sharing:
IS 1. Imaging data integration and FAIR sharing.
IS 2. Marine biology data integration and dissemination.
IS 3. Bioinformatics solutions to handle health data.
IS 4. FAIR Integration and sharing of new data deluge in microbiome research.
IS 5. Integration and FAIR sharing of genetic and multi-omics data for agriculture.
Read more about the MuDiS4LS project in the IFB press release and its 2021-2028 roadmap.