Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB)

The IFB is the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure that provides support, deploys services, organizes training and carries out innovative developments for the life sciences communities.

The IFB federates 36 bioinformatics platforms affiliated to the main French research organizations: 21 member platforms, 7 contributing platforms and 8 associate teams. Thanks to this nationwide coverage, the IFB structures a national bioinformatics community by pooling technical and human resources and disseminating know-how.

The IFB is the French node of the European infrastructure for bioinformatics ELIXIR, ELIXIR-FR.

The strategic orientation of the IFB for the 2021-2029 period is paved through the PIA3 ESR+/Equipex MuDiS4LS project. MUDIS4LS is structured around 5 thematic projects (Implementation Studies) based on 4 technological workpackages.

Learn more about IFB and the MUDIS4LS project.

  • Are indicated as coordinating platforms: IFB Core in Paris, Antenne IFB Core in Marseille.
  • Are indicated as member platforms: BILILLE in Lille, ABIMS in Roscoff, GENOUEST in Rennes, BIRD in Nantes, ARTbio, Curie Bioinfo, DAC, MICROSCOPE, MIGALE, Pasteur HUB, PlantBioinfoPF, RPBS in Paris, BIGEST in Strasbourg, AUBI in Clermont-Ferrand, PRABI-AMSB in Lyon, CBIB in Bordeaux, GENOTOUL Bioinfo in Toulouse, ATGC, IMGT, SOUTHGREEN in Montpellier. 
  • Are indicated as contributing platforms: I2BC Bioinfo, ORPHANET, PB-IBENS in Paris, PRABI-PFGT, CPB-PSMN in Lyon, BIO-2M in Montpellier, MMG-GBIT in Marseille, BIG in Nice.
  • Are indicated as associated teams: Biomics, EvryRNA in Paris, BONSAI in Lille, MBI-DS4H in Villiers-lès-Nancy, MEP, NSBD, PACA-Bioinfo, TAGC-BU in Marseille.