Training offer

Bilille and the training departments of Inserm, CNRS and the University of Lille offer you every year an introductory training course in the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.

  • Module 1: DNA analyses
  • Module 2: RNA-seq analyses

These modules can be followed independently.


How to register

Registration with the training departments:

Université de Lille → GEFORP portal
Inserm → SIRENE portal
CNRS → ARIANE portal

Isabelle Guigon

Current session (2025):
Module 1: DNA analyses, May 12-13 2025 (2 days) - Trainers: H.Touzet, S.Caboche, I.Guigon (module presentation)
Module 2: RNA-seq analyses, automn 2025 [registrations in September 2025] - Trainers: C.Marchet,?
Deadline to register:
Module 1: April 18, 2025

Course materials

Coming soon

Coming soon

In partnership with the doctoral college, Bilille offers a bioinformatics discovery course for PhD students. This cycle consists of three modules:

  •     Databases, BLAST, gene annotation
  •     Sequence alignments
  •     Phylogeny

How to register: contact your doctoral college

Bilille is participating in the practical sessions of a course given by the Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé de Lille doctoral school on the introduction to the statistical analysis of -omics data. Pre-registration for the training course (course and practical) is reserved primarily for doctoral students from the Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé de Lille doctoral school and will be open at a later stage to other doctoral schools, subject to availability.

Conducted in French. Program.


How to register: Registrations must be made via ADUM from now on for the Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé de Lille doctoral school.

Registration contact: Secretariat of the Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé de Lille doctoral school (mail)
Contact for other than registration: Guillemette Marot (mail)

Course materials:

Next session:

Bilille offers training courses in partnership with CNRS Formation Entreprises for researchers, lecturers, engineers and technicians in biology and health domain.

No IT pre-requisites are required. These courses are open nationally and will be held at the University of Lille.

Bilille organises occasional trainings to use specific scientific tools such as Galaxy or Cytoscape.

Contact us if you want to learn how to use a scientific tool/software.

Galaxy is a web platform dedicated to the analysis of biological data. Its graphical user interface makes it easy to perform and reproduce analyses intuitively.

Galaxy can also be used to automate data processing using workflows and to store analysis histories.

For more information: please visit


Bilille regularly organises one-day introductory course to Galaxy and its tools for biologists wishing to discover bioinformatics data processing via a user-friendly interface.

Galaxy is also used during the "Analysis of high-throughput sequencing data" training cycle.


Contact: Isabelle Guigon (mail)

Next session: 2024-02-21 (AM)
Course materials: Practical work

Cytoscape is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and integrating several sources of data such as gene expression profiles.

For more information: please visit

The Bilille platform aims to offer training courses that are as close as possible to the needs of the biology and health research community. 
At the end of 2024, a survey was carried out to identify these needs (see the summary of responses).
We will soon be launching new training courses.

For more training courses, please consult the IFB website and the referenced training courses.