Past trainings
- Module 1: DNA analyses, February 21 (PM) & February 22, 2024 (1.5 days) - Trainers: H.Touzet, S.Caboche
- Module 2: Variants analyses, April 8-10, 2024 (2.5 days) - Trainers: E.Ait Yahya, B.Grenier-Boley
- Module 4: ChIP-seq analyses, June 6-7, 2024 (2 days) - Trainers: O.Sand, L.Khamvongsa-Charbonnier
Deadline to register: Modules 1, 2 and 4: January 19, 2024
Course materials
- Theoretical course: Basics
- Theoretical course: Variant calling and annotation
- Theoretical course: Somatic variant calling
- Practical work: Variant calling and annotation
- Pratical work: Variant calling and annotation from tumor-normal pair dataset
- Theoretical course : Structural Variants
- Pratical work: Visualization of a structural variant
- Bam file
- Bai file
18 and 19 April 2024
- Module 1: DNA analyses: March 208-09 2023 (2 days) (module presentation)
- Module 3: Metagenomics: April 4-6 2023 (3 days) (module presentation)
- Module 5: RNA-seq analyses: October 3-6 2023 (4 days) (module presentation)
Course materials
- Day 1:
- Day 2 & 3:
- Day 4:
- Databases, BLAST, gene annotation: January 18-20 2023 (3 days)
- Sequence alignments: February 7-8 2023 (2 days)
Course materials
- Provisional programme (pdf, 38 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Databases (pdf, 2.44 Mb)
- Practical work: Databases (pdf, 252 Kb)
- Theoretical course: BLAST (pdf, 2.13 Mb)
- Practical work: BLAST (pdf, 459 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Gene annotation (pdf, 4.85 Mb)
- Practical work: Annotation of prokaryotic genes (pdf, 184 Kb)
- Practical work: Annotation of eukaryotic genes (pdf, 512 Kb)
- Bioinformatics analysis of nucleic and protein sequences: June 21-23 2023 (3 days)
- Pipelines and bioinformatics methods for the analysis of sequencing data (NGS): October 16-20 2023 (5 days)
- Module 1: DNA analyses: February 23-24 2022 (2 days)
- Module 2: Variants analysis: March 28-30 2023 (2,5 days)
- Module 3: Metagenomics: May 17-19 2022 (3 days)
- Module 4: ChIP-seq analyses: June 14-15 2022 (2 days)
- Module 5: RNA-seq analyses: October 12, 13, 14, 17 2022 (4 days)
Course materials
- Theoretical course: Introduction, data cleaning and data quality (pdf, 3.24 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Mapping (pdf, 4.36 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Reads duplicates (pdf, 747 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Assembly (pdf, 2.62 Mb)
- Practical work data (zip, 1.59 Mb)
- Practical work: Quality control & Cleaning (pdf, 2.12 Mb)
- Practical work: Mapping (pdf, 339 Kb)
- Practical work: Reads duplicates & Galaxy workflows (pdf, 1.41 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Introduction to variants (pdf, 1.79 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Variant calling & annotation (pdf, 3.85 Mb)
- Practical work: Wes disease (pdf, 5.80 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Somatic variant calling (pdf, 2.63 Mb)
- Practical work: Somatic variants (pdf, 4.22 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Structural variants (pdf, 2.53 Mb)
- Day 1:
- Day 2 & 3:
- Day 4:
- Databases, BLAST, gene annotation: January 12-14 2022 (3 days)
- Sequence alignments: February 22-23 2022 (2 days)
Course materials
- Provisional programme (pdf, 48 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Databases (pdf, 2.13 Mb)
- Practical work: Databases (pdf, 115 Kb)
- Theoretical course: BLAST (pdf, 2.41 Mb)
- Practical work: BLAST (pdf, 151 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Gene prediction (pdf, 6.23 Mb)
- Practical work: Annotation of prokaryotic genes (pdf, 77 Kb)
- Practical work: Annotation of eukaryotic genes (pdf, 88 Kb)
- Bioinformatics analysis of nucleic and protein sequences: June 22-24 2022 (3 days)
March 14-17 2022 (4 days)
Course materials:
- Theoretical course: RNAseq analysis (pdf, 7.61 Mb)
- Practical work: RNAseq analysis (pdf, 413 Kb)
- Theoretical course: To map or not to map? (pdf, 2.21 Mb)
- Conclusion with reference (pdf, 29 Kb)
- Global Conclusion (pdf, 37 Kb)
- Theoretical course: biostat analysis (pdf, 2.07 Mb)
- Practical work: biostat analysis (pdf, 1.41 Mb)
- Module 1: DNA analyses: February 17-18 2021 (2 days)
- Module 2: Variants analysis: March 24-26 2021 (2,5 days)
- Module 3: Metagenomics: May 26-28 2021 (3 days)
Module 4: ChIP-seq analyses: June 24-25 2021 (2 days)- Module 5: RNA-seq analyses (bioinfo): September 16-17 2021 (2 days)
- Module 6: RNA-seq analyses (biostat): September 23-24 2021 (2 days)
Course materials
- Theoretical course: Introduction, data cleaning and data quality (pdf, 3.20 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Mapping (pdf, 4.36 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Reads duplicates (pdf, 743 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Assembly (pdf, 2.62 Mb)
- Practical work data (zip, 1.59 Mb)
- Practical work: Quality control & cleaning (pdf, 2.43 Mb)
- Practical work: Mapping (pdf, 253 Kb)
- Practical work: Reads duplicates & Galaxy workflows (pdf, 1.35 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Introduction to variants (pdf, 1.79 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Variant calling & annotation (pdf, 3.85 Mb)
- Practical work: Wes disease (pdf, 6.20 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Somatic variant calling (pdf, 2.63 Mb)
- Practical work: Somatic variants (pdf, 4.96 Mb)
- Theoretical course: Structural variants (pdf, 2.53 Mb)
- Databases, BLAST, gene annotation: January 11-13 2021 (3 days)
- Sequence alignments: February 15-16 2021 (2 days)
- Phylogeny: March 15-16 2021 (2 days)
Course materials
- Provisional programme (pdf, 48 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Databases (pdf, 2.13 Mb)
- Practical work: Databases (pdf, 115 Kb)
- Theoretical course: BLAST (pdf, 2.08 Mb)
- Practical work: BLAST (pdf, 151 Kb)
- Theoretical course: Gene annotation (pdf, 7.35 Mb)
- Practical work: Annotation of prokaryotic genes (pdf, 77 Kb)
- Practical work: Annotation of eukaryotic genes (pdf, 88 Kb)
- Bioinformatics analysis of nucleic and protein sequences: June 16-18 2021 (3 days)
- Alignment and comparison of nucleic and protein sequences: September 23-24 2021 (2 days)